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Cisco ASDM Font Size Too Small Or Overlap on 2K or 4K displays

Writer's picture: Davor PodinicDavor Podinic

Updated: May 5, 2022

People who manages a Cisco firewalls may already know what a pain is to use Cisco ASDM management app on any display with high definition displays, 2K or 4K. Good news is that there’s still a fix. The bad news is that you’ll have to apply the fix every time Java is updated. I'll try to go right to a point and help you overcome that issue.

Tools required:

1. Resource Hacker (Free Tool)

Let's start then:

1. Open Resource Hacker with Administrator rights (Right click and select Run as Administrator)

2. Click on File>Open and select first out of 3 files (java.exe, javaaw.exe and javaws.exe) at C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath, e.g. java.exe

(It seems newer version of dm-launcher installers changed the javapath to C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath_target_276240203)

4. When you open e.g. java.exe, expend Manifest and click on 1:0 (Step 1) .

Look for the dpiAware setting and change it from True to False (Step 2).

Click on Compile Script (or press F5) (step 3)

and then click on Save the file (Step 4).

This process will make a copy of original file java_original and create a new, modified java.exe file. So repeat these steps for other two files (javaw.exe and javaws.exe) as well and close the Resource Hacker when done.

5. Now when you open your ASDM and login fonts and rows should look normal.

Remember, you may need to apply this fix every time Java installs an update.

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